Tonight our church had our first 'Lifefest'. It was awesome! The guest pastor, Eric Baker, gave an awesome message. He spoke about who Jesus is to everyone. How, if you ask people who he is, everyone will say different things. But do you really KNOW Jesus? Do we live our lives like we really and truly have a relationship with him? Are the 'church' people going around and saying we know Jesus but failing to actually KNOW HIM??? We can talk about him all we want...believe in him...know the story...go to church...and even witness to people...and still I we really KNOW HIM? Just like the story of when he went to Bethany four days after the death of his friend Lazarus. When he got there Mary and Martha, Lazurus' sisters, asked him why wasn't he there, why didn't he come when they called for him??? They said that he could have saved him. He asked Martha if she knew who he was, and she gave him an that we would probably give that probably almost all 'church' people give. But Jesus asked her, "“I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying. Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die. Do you believe this, Martha?” And she said yes. We would all say yes. But then he went on to see Martha, Mary, and all of His friends and disciples weeping at Lazurus' funeral. He had told them that he would rise again but they still thought because he was dead and had been dead for four days that a miracle wasn't going to happen. Jesus actually got angry that he wept.
I ask you...are you like those people at the funeral. You profess to know Jesus, you worship him, you feel that you are one of His people, but yet we still doubt that things can be done? Seriously? I know I am guilty of this. Now I don't mean that we outright, consciously choose to have doubt. I am talking about when we are doing things, praying about things, and in the midst of these things we doubt that we can finish...we doubt that we are gonna make it. But you know what, with God on our side, we can't lose! We need to truly have a relationship with Him, I mean be so crazy in love with Him that we don't even notice when things might not go our way. That's the love I want. That's the relationship I want with Him. I'm going for it.
So what does all this have to do with our adoption? I'll tell you what it has to do with it...I've secretly been doubting. Just sitting back and wondering if God was going to 'step up' and bring us some miracle. Well I'm done with that way of thinking. I know that I have to get my butt in gear. I have to do everything I possibly can to make this adoption happen. God IS going to bless our's HIS adoption. He wants us to take care of His children that may not get love otherwise. He wants us to show our love to one of His children so that through us a few people may realize that love has no color. That God doesn't just love someone for their skin color. He has adopted us...and therefore we want to thank him and show our gratitude by adopting one (or two or three or ten-hehe don't tell cory:) of His children and raising them in His glory and grace. I am just going to calm down and realize that God is in control, he always has been, I've just been getting in the way! It's all yours God, and it always will be!
Much Love and God Bless!
Can We Be Thankful In All Circumstances?
5 years ago